The Syrian Coalition’s General Assembly approved the new lineup of the interim government submitted to it by interim Prime Minister Jawad Abu Hatab.
The new government, composed of eight ministers, received the confidence of 68 members out of 98 members present at the General Assembly meeting which began in Istanbul on Monday.
The new interim government is composed of eight ministries, a deputy prime minister and a deputy minister for economic affairs. The ministers are: Abdel Moneim Alhalabi as Minister of Finance, Mohammed Firas Aljundi as Minister of Health, Abdul Aziz Aldughem as Minister of Higher Education, Imad Albarq as Minister of Education, Yaaqoub Alammar as Minister of Local Administration, Jamal Kallash as Minister of Agriculture, Abdullah Razzouk as Minister of Services, Akram Tomeh as deputy prime minister, while head of the interim government Jawad Abu Hatab took over the task of Interior Minister.
The new interim government will be based inside the liberated areas to provide services to the population and manage their affairs in cooperation with national institutions and figures and the concerned sides with the primary aim of achieving stability and serving the Syrian people.
The new interim government also aims to boost the steadfastness of the Syrian people through development projects and through effective investment in local resources in order to restore stability.
The interim government also seeks to achieve strategic goals, including preserving the unity of Syria through the protection of the Syrian social components; establishing institutions to restore the state through laying out administrative regulations; supporting the independence of the Syrian national decision through investing and relying on local resources; and empowering the new interim government through the establishment of partnerships with concerned countries and organizations. (Source: Syrian Coalition)