The Syrian Coalition held the Assad regime and its allies fully responsible for the UN’s suspension of humanitarian aid to Syria, ascribing the UN decision to the military escalation by the Assad regime and its allies and their use of internationally banned weapons in Syria.
In a statement released earlier on Thursday, member of the Coalition’s political committee Yasser Farhan said that the announcement by the UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura came a month after the Assad regime has blocked the entry of even limited humanitarian aid to the majority of the besieged areas in Rural Damascus, Homs and Dara’a. Farhan added that the Assad regime carries on with its brutal, systematic policy aimed at breaking the will of the Syrian people.
The Assad regime still refuses to implement UN Security Council resolution 2254 which called for the immediate lifting of blockades; stopping the bombardment of civilian areas; allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the besieged areas; and releasing detainees with the aim of achieving political gains at the expense of the suffering of Syria’s civilians, Farhan stressed.
The UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura announced on Thursday the UN was suspending the humanitarian task force it set up for Syria, saying the decision was made as a signal about the UN disappointment and deep concern. De Mistura added the UN hopes to resume the provision of aid through the task force after a ceasefire has been established.
The UN envoy pointed out that no humanitarian aid has been introduced to the besieged areas for nearly a month, stressing the urgent need for a halt to the fighting to allow aid deliveries.
The last convoy of humanitarian aid entered Daraya in June, while the last aid delivery entered Waer in July. The town of Nawa in rural Dara’a, meanwhile, received the last shipment of relief aid in July. Member of the Coalition’s political committee Nora Alameer called upon the UN to reconsider its mechanism in the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria by introducing new abiding measures under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Alameer warned of unprecedented humanitarian disasters should the Assad regime continue to use starvation as a weapon of warfare against Syria’s civilians.
Alameer stressed the Assad regime continues to fail to implement UNSC resolutions in blatant defiance of the international community, calling on the UN to clearly name and hold accountable those responsible for the blocking of humanitarian aid to civilians in need across Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)