Member of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Yasser Farhan said that the intransigence of the Assad regime and its refusal to lift the blockades on the besieged cities have exacerbated the suffering of civilians.
Farhan said that regime forces are preventing the delivery of life-saving medical equipment such as vaccines, which amounts to a war crime. He called on the UN the Security Council and the International Syrian Support Group (ISSG) to put pressure on the Assad regime and the Hezbollah militia to lift the blockades they impose on Syria’s cities and towns.
Farhan questioned how Assad has sent a negotiating delegation to Geneva whilst his troops continue to besiege children in Syria and deny them access to food and medicine.
Civilians trapped in the besieged towns of Madaya and Zabadani in Rural Damascus on Thursday sent a distress call asking for the introduction of vaccines for children. Medics warned that children in these two towns have not received any vaccines for nearly a year.
The besieged civilians appealed to the United Nations and international organizations to take immediate action in order to save the children trapped by regime forces, adding that creating a better future for Syria depends on the welfare of its children. (Source: Syrian Coalition)