The Syrian Coalition’s political committee and head of the Syrian Negotiations Commission, Nasser al-Hariri, on Tuesday held a teleconference with leading figures in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta to discuss the Assad regime and Russia’s ongoing violations of UN Security Council resolution 2401.
The two sides agreed to form a joint working room to coordinate their positions and seek the implementation of resolution 2401. Leaders in eastern Ghouta presented a list of the most urgent needs of the civilian population to be sent via the Syrian Negotiations Commission to the UN relief agencies and include these needs in the UN aid.
Both sides also agreed to exchange and document information as well as to prepare detailed reports to be presented to the UN Security Council with the aim of documenting the violations being committed by the Assad regime and its allies.
Member of the political committee Hadi Al-Bahra said that Moscow’s announcement of daily five-hour truce in eastern Ghouta violated resolution 2401 and is aimed at evading the implementation of the UN resolution. He stressed that Russia’s demands for the departure of civilians from eastern Ghouta is a distortion of the UN resolution and an attempt to displace the local population with the aim of changing the demographic landscape in the Damascus suburb. Bahra stressed that these demands are unacceptable.
For his part, Hariri pointed out that “loose words” have been included in the final draft of UN Security Council resolution 2401, which allows the Assad regime and its allies to procrastinate in its implementation and carry on with the pursuit of a military solution. He underscored that members of the UN Security Council should “impose measures to punish those who violates the resolution or it will remain useless.”
Leaders in eastern Ghouta presented a detailed explanation of the latest developments on the humanitarian and field level in the area. They emphasized they would remain steadfast in the face of the Assad regime’s killing machine as they will continue to seek to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people to freedom and democracy.
The leaders also reaffirmed their outright rejection of extremism and commitment to combat all forms of terrorism. They also expressed their support for the positions of the Syrian Negotiations Commissions rejecting any agreements that would result in the forced displacement of the local population and bringing about a demographic change in the area. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Department)