On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, proclaimed on November 2nd, Nora al-Ameer, vice president of the Syrian Coalition, calls on the United Nations to hold the Assad regime to account for violations committed against journalists and media activists whose only guilt was conveying Assad’s atrocities against Syrians to the outside world. “No one can deny the violations committed by the Assad regime against intellectuals and journalists who has played a major role in steering the sails of the Syrian revolution since the very beginning. The smear campaign launched by Assad’s propaganda machine against the Syrian revolution prompted many Syrians to engage in the media field using simple tools to convey the truth to the outside world,” Al Ameer said. “While the Assad regime arrested dozens of peaceful activists and journalists, it released many extremists from its prisons who later formed the core of ISIS. Those extremist in turn have violated the rights of journalists and media activists who opposed its radical views and who called for building a state of justice and law.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)