The Syrian Coalition calls upon the international community to shoulder its humanitarian and ethical responsibilities towards the Syrian people and to work on ending the Syrian refugees’ crisis.
“Syrian refugees must be taken to temporary safe areas until they return to their homes, and measures must be taken to prevent human traffickers’ from manipulating them and exploiting their tragedy.
“We call on the international community to realize the size of the Syrian refugees’ tragedy, which is the largest since World War I. A strategy needs to be adopted that respects human rights regardless of gender, belief and background.”
“We call for adopting new laws and regulations to reduce the suffering of Syrian refugees and provide them with humanitarian and legal protection.”
“The Syrians’ seeking of refuge in neighboring countries and in Europe has become a legitimate option after the failure of the international community to end the Syrian tragedy and to stop the Assad regime’s barrel bombing of residential areas and marketplaces,” the Syrian Coalition added.
The Syrian Coalition stresses that the Assad regime bears full responsibility for the plight of the Syrian people whether in Syria or abroad, especially those drowning during their attempt to reach Europe. Millions of Syrians have turned refugees as a result of the Assad regime’s crackdown on the peaceful movement that spiraled into a relentless war. (Source: Syrian Coalition)