The Syrian Coalition called upon Russia and the United States to put pressure on the Assad regime to stop disrupting efforts aimed at finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis. “The ongoing bloodshed in Syria and the spread of terror, which is threatening international peace and security, clearly shows how we have no more time to lose. The Assad regime must not be allowed to further show disregard for the UN efforts and the ongoing negotiations in Geneva,” the Coalition said.
Member of the Syrian Coalition Hadi al-Bahra said that the United States and Russia should exert maximum efforts to protect the Syrian people and put an end to the suffering they have been going through. He stressed that today’s meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow must send a clear message to the Assad regime to seriously engage in the Geneva negotiations.
Bahra, who is a former president of the Coalition and is currently in Geneva as an adviser to the opposition’s negotiating delegation, called upon Moscow to lift the political cover it provides for Assad, withdraw military support for him and to respect the will of the Syrian people who seek change and democracy. (Source: Syrian Coalition)