Khalid Saleh, Head of the Media Office, praised the efforts made in the founding conference of the independent media outlets, pointing out that “laying the basis for independent media is a step in the right direction and demonstrates real awareness on the part of the youth who have taken on this much needed project.” Saleh also said that “the Syrian media activists have presented a unique experience worthy of respect, appreciation and the support required to bring it to a professional level. There is a pressing need to provide advice to the media activists who has took on this project aimed at establishing independent media outlets free of the decades-long political restrictions imposed by the Assad regime. Moreover, it is vital, in this critical and crucial phase of the Syrian Revolution, to win the world and Arab public opinion as the media battle today is as important as the battle on the ground. There is also a pressing need to put the suggestions and tips made during the meeting into effect without any delay. This necessary step at this stage of the revolution and must have been taken a long time ago. This project aims puts the media outlets of the revolution on the right track in keeping with academic and professional standards. It is worth noting that 40 media activists and journalists from all parts of Syria have finished four-day training courses on correspondence and video reporting that meet international standards. The training courses were supervised by the Organization of Independent Media Activists and in collaboration with “Tamkin” Foundation for the training of human resources. Due to the difficult conditions experienced by the media activists based in Syria, the training courses were organized through online video conferencing under the supervision specialized experts. The conferee called for creating a unified multi-lingual media body with joint board of directors, for employing the expertise of professional media personalities, and for working to enhance the credibility of the revolution’s media outlets. They also called for unification of the media terminology used by the Syrian media activists, the creation of commination groups in the European countries, and the qualification and training of media workers to report from Syrian territory. Hadi al-Bahra, president of the Syrian Coalition, said earlier that “the media battle today is as important nowadays as the military battles waged by the FSA against the Assad regime. The targeted audience will not be limited to the rebels and dissidents, but will also include the few regime supporters as Syria is for all Syrians without any distinction based on race, sect or belief.” Bahra calls on the media experts “to develop a comprehensive strategy to produce informative, balanced and inclusive speech capable of steering the homeland after the fall of Assad regime. The role of the Syrian Coalition with regards to the media projects will be limited to supporting media activities and directing them without interfering with the vision and the content of the new media outlets.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)