The Syrian Coalition condemned the targeting of civilians in the city of Hasaka by the Assad regime and the militias of the Democratic Union Party (PYD). The Coalition said that civilians in Hasaka have been taken hostage by the Assad regime and the PYD who until very recently were allies against the revolution and its goals.
In a press statement released on Monday, the Coalition said that the two sides have already committed a number of crimes and violations against the civilian population of Hasaka province, including arbitrary arrests, torture, murder, displacement and banishing of political dissidents and activists.
Last week, the PYD militias detained activists and senior members of the Kurdish National Council, including its President Ibrahim Birro who was exiled to Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
Hasaka has recently seen violent clashes between regime forces and the PYD militias for control of the city. Dozens of civilians, including children, have been killed in airstrikes by the Assad regime air force in mutual artillery shelling on the city. The ongoing clashes have resulted in large scale destruction to civilian neighborhoods, hospitals and civilian facilities as well as forced thousands of civilians to flee their homes.
The Coalition called on the people of Hasaka province from all backgrounds to foil the regime’s plans. It also called on the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop the bombing of civilians in Hasaka.
The Assad regime, which has long been cooperating with terrorist organizations and using them as a tool to serve its goals, once again tries to quell the revolution and undermine its noble goals, the Coalition said.
The Syrian people, from all walks of life and from all backgrounds, will remain united in their determination to liberate their country from tyranny, occupation and terrorism. They will continue the struggle to build a state where the rights and dignity of all citizens are guaranteed, the Coalition said. (Source: Syrian Coalition)