Hadi al-Bahra, president of the Syrian Coalition, calls on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the Syrian detainees in the jails of the Assad regime and take action that ensures their release as wells as to hold accountable those responsible for the illegal acts against them.” Bahra’s remarks followed news of the death of 35 detainees under torture in Assad’s jails, with rights groups documenting the names of 17 victims from the town of Mahin and 15 others from the town of Hawarin in eastern Homs, in addition to three more from unidentified locations. Bahra stresses that the failure to help the detainees in Assad’s jails is a partner in the crimes committed against them, citing the horrific massacre committed a week ago by regime forces who tortured of 44 detainees to death in the town of Al Qareytin east of Homs. He pointed out that a team of war crime investigators confirmed earlier this year, after examining 11,000 photos of prisoners who died under torture, that there is a compelling evidence that the Assad regime has systematically carried out systematic torture and executions against thousands detained since March 2011. “We cannot but deplore the continuous indifference to the Syrians’ right to live, and it is our duty to condemn the silence of the world’s governments and rights groups towards the terrible crimes that are constantly committed against the detainees in Assad’s secret dungeons as well as the genocidal crimes committed against civilians in across Syria.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)