Badr Addin Jamous, the Secretary General of the Syrian Coalition stresses that “inviting Iran to participate in Geneva II means that the international community and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon intends to foil the conference.” Jamous also stresses that the position of the Syrian Coalition has been clear since the beginning. We can not sit with the Iranians at the negotiating table because they have been taking part in the killing of the Syrian people.” However, Jamous said that “Iran can attend the conference provided that they recognize the right of the Syrian people to self-determination, implement the terms of of Geneva I, and abandon support for the Assad regime with weapons and money, and withdraw their troops and militias from Syria. If these conditions are not met, the Syrian Coalition will ask the UN Secretary General to retract the invitation sent to Iran, or we will suspend the decision to participate in the conference.” Jamous wonders if Russia put pressure on Ban Ki-moon in this regard, or if there are other reasons , one of which may be an attempt to foil the conference.” Jamous went on: “The Syrian Coalition’s decision to participate in the conference was made after long deliberations and despite the refusal of some blocs of the Coalition. We agreed to attend out of our sense of responsibility to highlight the cause of the Syrian people in front of the international community and to expose the crimes of the Assad regime.” The Syrian Coalition announced a deadline until 7:00 pm GMT for Iran to fulfil the conditions set forth by the Syrian Coalition. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon invited yesterday Iran to participate in the conference. He said that he had received assurances that Iran would play a positive and constructive role in the process of forming a transitional government in Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)