Members of the Syrian Coalition and Aleppo provincial council late on Tuesday discussed the latest developments on the ground in the city and ways to meet the needs of civilians trapped in the besieged parts of the city.
Head of Aleppo provincial council Mohammad Fadilah said that the council has already developed plans to ensure the safety of civilians in Aleppo. He said rebel and FSA groups had evacuated many families from Project 1070 area after capturing it.
Fadilah added that the council has also developed plans to protect residential buildings, service institutions and civilian infrastructure in Aleppo, adding that the council is providing shelter to civilians fleeing the ongoing battles in southern Aleppo. Fadila pointed out that the council is currently developing a plan administer the entire city once it has been fully liberated.
For his part, member of the political committee Hadi Albahra said that ending the suffering of civilians in Syria requires bringing about a real political transition without Bashar al-Assad or his inner circle. He pointed out that transition is essential to meeting the immense humanitarian needs of the civilian population in Syria, especially in Aleppo.
Albahra stressed the need for coordinated action between political and military forces in Aleppo to set up a unified body able to achieve the goals of the revolution.
Secretary-General of the Syrian Coalition Abdul Ilah Alfahd said that the United Nations has a responsibility to assist with the provision of basic needs to civilians, expressing fears that the Assad regime might carry out large-scale displacements in the eastern parts of the city. (Source: Syrian Coalition)