Louay Safi, spokesman for the Syrian Coalition, said that Russia’s vetoing of a UN Security Council resolution demanding the referral of Bashar al Assad to the International Criminal Court, and the stymieing of the implementation of the UN resolution No. 2139, is unacceptable and corresponds with the positions of the Assad regime. Moreover, Russia’s blocking of all possible punitive measures against the Assad regime in the UN Security Council pits Russia against the aspirations of the Syrian people by contributing to their daily suffering, their killing and intimidation, and the destruction of their homeland.” This deliberate blocking of the functions of the UN Security Council raises the need to take measures outside the UN Security Council by the countries that find it necessary to stop the bloodshed and massacres committed by the Assad regime against the children and unarmed civilians.” Safi cited the heinous massacre committed by Assad’s forces in Ein Jalout School in Aleppo yesterday, and targeting Badr Addin al-Hasani institute in Damascus, killing dozens of school children and students. “The failure to reach an Arab-international immediate understanding outside the UN Security Council to bypass the Russian veto, will lead to the continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Syria and will take the whole into the unknown.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)