The Syrian Coalition condemned the use of civilians as human shields by the terrorist group ISIS in the villages surrounding the town of Albab northeast of Aleppo.
In a statement released on Thursday, the Coalition expressed deep concern of possible mass executions by ISIS against civilians the extremist group have detained recently. The Coalition warned of a repetition of the atrocities ISIS committed against civilians in Deir Ezzor when the extremist group carried out mass executions against hundreds of members of the Alshaitat tribe in the summer of 2014.
The Coalition reiterated its condemnation of all acts designed to intimidate the civilian population; force people out of their homes; and kidnap young people for forced conscription. ISIS kidnapped around 700 Kurdish citizens near the town of Albab after they have refused to enroll into the ranks of the extremist group.
The Coalition called upon the international community to hold firm to the universal humanitarian principles based on justice and freedom and to support the Syrian people in their struggle against injustice, tyranny, extremist groups, and militias fighting alongside the Assad regime.
The Coalition also called on the international community to take bold steps in order to push the political process forward through enforcing the Geneva Communiqué of 2012 and the relevant UN resolutions on Syria.
The Coalition stressed it stands in solidarity with the people in the town of Albab whose sons have been kidnapped by ISIS over the past two days. (Source: Syrian Coalition)