The Syrian Coalition called upon the US-led international coalition forces to take all necessary measures and precautions to avoid causing civilian casualties and to prioritize the protection of civilians in the fight on terrorism.
In a letter sent on Tuesday to foreign ministers of the international coalition against ISIS, the Syrian Coalition called for investigating reports about civilian killed in airstrikes by the international coalition forces on the town of Manbij northeast of Aleppo and all other incidents of civilian casualties in ISIS-held areas.
“The latest reports coming from Manbij, rural Aleppo, are particularly concerning as they indicate that anti-ISIS coalition airstrikes earlier this month killed and injured dozens of civilians including children and entire families,” the letter said.
The Syrian Coalition stressed that “the protection of civilians must be paramount if we are to win the moral as well as the military battle against terrorism.”
The letter added that the Syrian Coalition “has been among the first to call for and welcome the establishment of the international coalition as a necessary step in the fight against terrorism in Syria and the region. The Syrian people who have suffered for decades the systematic state terrorism of the Assad rule in Syria, have become victims of both the dictatorship of Assad and terrorist organizations which thrived due to Assad’s heinous policies.”
“The National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces is deeply concerned at reports of mass civilian casualties due to operations of the international coalition airstrikes.”
The Syrian Coalition also said: “Although Manbij has been under ISIS control, we firmly believe that protection of civilians in ISIS-held areas must be taken very seriously. Civilian casualties do not only inflict further victimization on the afflicted Syrian people, but also put to question the very credibility of the international coalition against ISIS and undermine public support for the war against terrorism.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)