The Syrian Coalition called upon the United Nations and international organizations to act urgently to save the lives of residents of Deir Ezzor city caught in the middle of fierce fighting between regime forces and ISIS.
Member of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Badr Jamous said that the Assad regime continues to brutalize the Syrian people and refuses to implement UN resolutions on Syria in order to cling to power.
Activists in Deir Ezzor said that three civilians were killed and many more injured in mortar shelling by ISIS militants on the regime-held parts of the city on Wednesday. Regime forces responded by launching airstrikes on the ISIS-held parts, killing three civilians and wounding many more. Cluster bombs, an internationally banned weapon, were used in the airstrikes.
Jamous pointed out that the Assad regime continues to show the utmost disregard for the lives of civilians trapped in Deir Ezzor and seeks to undermine all chances of reaching a political solution. He stressed that the formation of a transitional government body is the only way to gain popular support for the fight against ISIS.
Member of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Safwan Jandali called upon the United Nations to shoulder their responsibilities towards the protection of civilians in Syria. He called on international aid organizations to take urgent action to alleviate the suffering of civilians trapped in Deir Ezzor.
The task of distributing aid must be left to aid organizations, not to regime forces that seized previous shipments of UN aid to the city, Jandalai said. (Source: Syrian Coalition)