Hadi Al Bahra, member of the political committee and chief negotiator of the Syrian Coalition’s delegation, said that: “the Syrian Coalition is committed to the political process as a top priority to reach a political solution. However, the Assad regime must have the political to move to a new round of negotiations and to commit to the mechanisms necessary for the full implementation of Geneva I Communique that demands political transition and the formation of a transitional governing body (TGB). This body will be the tool and the entity authorized to implement the terms of Geneva I and to provide a safe and neutral conditions that enable the Syrian people to regain their constitutional rights.” Bahra also stresses that the position of the international community and the Syrian people towards terrorism is clear and based on the condemnation of terrorist acts carried out by the Assad regime through the use of excessive violence represented by the brutal air bombardment and the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population as well as adopting the strategy of siege and starvation which constitute war crimes. The entire international community therefore demands that the Assad regime stop terrorism against the Syrian people.” Furthermore, Bahra points out that “the Syrian Coalition already announced its position towards cross-border terrorism which was imported to Syria to stand against the Syrian people and their aspirations. We strongly denounce these groups, and we have also been battling them for many months.” Moreover, Bahra also said that “the Assad regime had to abide by UN Security Council Resolution No. 2139 that demands lifting the siege of Syrian cities instead of talking about terrorist organizations which the Assad regime itself was involved in forming and importing across the Syrian borders. Some of them were officially summoned from Lebanon and Iraq to contribute to the killing of the Syrian people.” The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met yesterday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to discuss the Syrian crisis. The UN official calls on Russia and the United States to exert their influence on the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition to work on holding fruitful negotiations. Ban Ki-moon stated that, “the only way to end the conflict is through resuming the negotiations. I met with the Arab and UN special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi last Sunday and we have similar views regarding holding a new round of negotiations as soon as possible.” Ban Ki-moon criticized the regime delegation’s lack of “commitment to dialogue, calling on them to return to the negotiations with adopting a “constructive attitude.” He stresses that the agreement of June 30, 2012 during the Geneva I conference demands the formation of a transitional governing body with full powers. (Source: Syrian Coalition)