The delegation of the Syrian Coalition presented a document that details the mechanism of the forming a transitional ruling body with no role for Assad to the regime’s delegation. It will furthermore lead to establish democracy and political pluralism in Syria. Louay Safi, spokesman for the Syrian Coalition slammed the “insistence of the regime’s delegation on holding Assad superior to the homeland. It is very strange how their personal interests take precedence on the blood of the Syrian people.” Safi also said that the Assad regime seek to foil the transition process, which indicates they are not interested in a political solution.” He also described the behavior of the regime’s delegation as “politically bankrupts who is looking for excuses to evade its commitment to the terms of Geneva I.” Furthermore, Safi stresses that the Assad regime “is not willing to fight terrorism, which is considered one of its most important pillars, especially after the exposure of his relationship with ISIS, which the FSA seek to eradicate from all parts of Syrian.” He also expressed surprise of that the regime’s denial of the presence of Hezbollah in Syria despite the latter’s recognition of sending its militia to fight alongside Assad. Safi stresses that the Assad regime seeks to displace what remains of the residents of Homs instead of allowing the entry of food and medical supplies to the besieged areas. “We refused evacuating the besieged civilians in Homs, as we see in this an attempt to change the demography of the city and to achieve certain political and military goals at the expense of the security and safety of the Syrian people.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)