Barakat: Assad Regime Arrests Youth and Children to Send Them to the Frontlines
Abdel Majeed Barakat, Vice President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), said that the Assad regime, facing the collapse of ...
Abdel Majeed Barakat, Vice President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), said that the Assad regime, facing the collapse of ...
Assad's forces released a child and his father two days after detaining them in Damascus, following an attack on a ...
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) said that it recorded at least 206 arbitrary arrests in Syria in September, ...
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) reported that it documented at least 209 cases of arbitrary arrests in Syria ...
The PYD terrorist militia has detained approximately ten young men in the towns of Al-Hajna and Jadid Akidat in Deir ...
Preserving independence and national sovereignty and maintaining the Syrian people's unity within the same Syrian soil is one of the critical pillars of the Syrian Coalition. The Coalition aims to overthrow the Assad regime along with all its symbols and pillars. It also aims to dismantle its security apparatus and hold accountable those involved in crimes against Syrians. In addition, it seeks to achieve a transition to a pluralistic, democratic and civil Syria.