President of the Syrian Coalition Anas Alabdah called upon the UN Security Council and the Arab League to hold emergency meetings in order to discuss violations of the international resolutions on Syria and to condemn the Iranian and Russian occupation of Syrian territory.
At a press conference held in Istanbul earlier on Tuesday, Alabdah called upon friends of the Syrian people to give up making appeals and act in line with their political, legal and moral responsibilities through taking action to deter the crimes of the regime. He also called for severing all ties with the regime and against normalizing relations with the regime under any circumstances and at any level.
“Silence by our brothers and friends is no longer acceptable, nor does the offering of mere condolences,” Alabdah stressed.
Alabdah urged the UN Security Council to discuss resolutions it passed on Syria to answer questions like: Why they have not been enforced yet? Who breached them? Who refused and still refuses to abide by them? Who procrastinates and tries to impede political transition needed to ensure the formation of a transitional governing body with full powers and without Bashar al-Assad or his clique?
Alabdah also called upon the Arab League, under its new presidency, to stand by the Syrian people in their suffering and hold ministerial meeting to condemn the Iranian and Russian occupation of Syria’s territory and their violation of its sovereignty and their involvement in the killing of the Syrian people as well as to demand the withdrawal of all foreign forces and militias and terrorist organizations from Syria.
Friends of the Syrian people “should be aware that the Assad regime is the main sponsor of terrorism and that the Syrian people and the Syrian revolution are the main victims of terror,” Alabdah said.
“With a brutality unparalleled in the history of humankind, the invaders along with the remnants of the murderous Assad regime carry on with the onslaught on Aleppo, Daraya and many cities and towns across Syria, mainly targeting the free Syrians who rose up peacefully in 2011 and who continue to defend their values and freedom by all means available. This onslaught is aimed at destroying the civilization and culture of a country that gave the world the first alphabet thousands of years ago.”
Alabdah added: “It is shameful how the 21st century world watches idly by a city with a history of 8,000 thousand years being destroyed over the heads of its inhabitants and bombed by over 200 airstrikes and dozens of barrel bombs every day without even lifting a finger.”
“It is shameful how those who claim to advocate the values of freedom, justice and democracy do not lift a finger while watching Syria’s children being killed with the utmost brutality.”
Alabdah asked “how the people of Daraya, who have shown unmatched steadfastness and bravery and who set a perfect example of the peaceful revolution since its early days, are left a prey for looting, siege and hunger and without the world doing anything to help them? All UN Security Council resolutions have been buried silently, as no food or medicine was allowed to reach the starving besieged civilians.”
“Aleppo is being brutally destroyed. Daraya’s is besieged, its residents are starving. These two cities are a stark example of every Syrian city being destroyed and whose children are being slaughtered and of every town subjected to siege and whose children were denied food.”
Alabdah also asked: “What has become of the UN Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2254 which calls for immediate end to the killing, the lifting of the sieges, the delivery of aid and the release of detainees? What action did the friends of the Syrian people take? What did they do to stop the machine of death and destruction from continuing with these brutal crimes? Where has become of the outcomes of the Vienna, Munich, Paris and Geneva meetings?”
Albdah went on to say that the Syrian Coalition, as the representative of the Syrian people, does not find a justification for banning or limiting the provision of advanced weapons for the Free Syrian Army’s factions, especially antiaircraft weapons as 90% of the victims in Syria are killed in daily airstrikes and barrel bomb attacks.
“We also do not find a justification for the US administration’s opposition to the establishment of safe zones to protect Syrian children and women from the brutal aerial bombardment that do not spare even schools, hospitals or vital civilian facilities.”
“Why is the war on terror limited to ISIS only? ISIS is killing the Syrian people and undermining their dreams. Other terrorist organizations, meanwhile, such as the Hezbollah militia, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Abu Alfadl Alabbas, Zainabiyoun and Fatimiyoun terrorist militias are left to wreak havoc and destruction in Syria under an official sponsorship of the murderous Assad regime.”
President of the Syrian Coalition stressed that “the reluctance of the international community and the US administration to take concrete action in order to stop the crimes of the Assad regime and its allies is the reason why there is no appropriate climate for the success of the Geneva negotiations. This reluctance has rendered negotiations futile and political solution, demanded by the Syrian people and the revolution since the very beginning, largely elusive.”
“The commitment to the peace process in Syria requires providing all the prerequisites for success, most notably stopping the killing and bombing of civilians, the full lifting of the sieges and the release of detainees.”
Alabdah concluded his remarks by reiterating the Syrian National Coalition’s absolute adherence to the goals of the revolution. He also reaffirmed commitment to working on building a new Syria that is free of tyranny, crime and corruption and which ensures protection, security and dignified life for all citizens without discrimination or exclusion. (Source: Syrian Coalition)