Mark Ward, Director of the Syria Transition Assistance and Response Team (START), said that regime forces still hinder the delivery of medical supplies to civilians trapped in some of the besieged areas across Syria. Despite obtaining permission to enter besieged areas, humanitarian agencies have not yet been allowed to reach these areas, including the town of Hula in Homs province.
At a meeting with members of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee earlier today, Ward provided a detailed overview of the humanitarian situation in Syria. He pointed to difficulties to get to some of the besieged areas which are in dire need of relief aid, including Darayya and Douma in Rural Damascus.
Ward added, however, that relief aid was allowed into many of the besieged areas though. He said that humanitarian and medical assistance was delivered to many besieged areas across Syria, including drinking water and other aid to enable schoolchildren attend educational centers.
Ward pointed out that there are preparations underway to airdrop aid to the besieged parts of Deir Ezzor in two weeks time. (Source: Syrian Coalition)