Ahmad Tomah, president of the interim government, submitted to the chief of the Syrian Coalition, Ahmad Jarba, a detailed report on the size of the devastation wrought by the Assad regime in Ghouta and Kalamoon near Damascus, where many civilians were either killed or displaced to Lebanon. Asa’ad Mustafa, the Defense Minister, pointed to the amount of weapons and ammunition that are need for the battles against the regime. He also presenting an overview of coordination methods between the Ministry of Defense and the FSA’s General Staff, who submitted a detailed report on the military situation and the FSA’s positions on the battlefronts. The Chief of the Syrian Coalition made his first visit to Kuwait for holding talks with the Kuwaiti Amir and Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to address the latest developments in the Syrian file and to discuss ways that may assist in delivering relief aid to the displaced and trapped civilians inside Syrian cities. (Source: Syrian Coalition)