Vice-president of the Syrian Coalition Samira al-Masalmah said that the real representatives of the Syrian women are the female detainees, mothers, wives and daughters of those killed during the Syrian revolution.
Masalma criticized calls by the Women’s Advisory Council, which was invited to the Geneva talks, to lift economic sanctions on the Assad regime during a meeting with UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura.
Syrian Women aspire to a political transition that achieves justice, freedom, dignity and equality for all Syrians and accountability for crimes against the Syrian people, Masalmah said.
Masalmah added that Syrian women have been actively engaged in the Syrian revolution since its early days, assuming important roles as protestors, politicians and leaders. Syrian women are represented in the revolution’s various institutions, including recently in the High Negotiating Committee.
The Coalition’s vice-president referred to organizations representing the interests of Syria’s women, including the Syrian Feminist Lobby, which is a non-partisan political lobby founded on July 15, 2014 in Istanbul, and is committed to equal participation of women and men in the decision-making process in Syria.
In a statement issued two days ago, the Syrian Feminist Lobby ruled out reaching a political solution without a radical democratic transition through forming a transitional governing body with full powers. The statement rejected attempts to stereotype the role of women as peacemakers while underestimating their role in areas such as politics and human rights as well as their struggle against all forms of tyranny.
The Lobby reiterated calls for releasing detainees and prisoners from Assad’s prisons and lifting the blockades on the besieged areas across Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)