Spokesman for the opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC) Salem al-Meslet accused some media outlets of picking and choosing when they misquoted a statement he made on Thursday about the opposition sharing power with elements of the regime in a transitional government.
Meslet made clear that the transitional governing body (TGB) to be formed will not include Assad or regime figures whose hands are stained with the Syrians’ blood. He said that the TGB will have technocrats at its heart to ensure the continuity of services and the preservation of state institutions, except for the military and security apparatuses.
Meslet added that there will be no sharing governance with the regime as it is now, stressing that military and security institutions must be restructured. Meslet also reiterated that institutions and apparatuses involved in shedding the Syrian blood will not be maintained, and officials with blood on their hands will not be part of future Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)