Salem Al-Meslet, President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), recently conducted a field tour in the rural town of Bazaa in Aleppo. During the visit, he met with local dignitaries and notables and shared an iftar banquet with them.
Al-Meslet carefully listened to the complaints of the attendees and assessed the living conditions in the town, particularly after the devastating earthquake that struck Syria and Türkiye in February. He also gave a briefing on the latest political developments in Syria, emphasizing that the SOC derives its strength and legitimacy from the Syrian people’s steadfastness and their desire for freedom, dignity, and democracy.
Despite years of killing, criminality, and displacement at the hands of the Assad regime and its allies and sectarian militias, the Syrian people remain determined to achieve their legitimate demands. Al-Meslet reiterated the SOC’s commitment to the principles of the Syrian revolution and the Syrian people’s demands, as well as to the implementation of UN resolutions on Syria, including the Geneva Communique of 2012 and UN Resolutions 2118 and 2254.
Al-Meslet urged the attendees to cooperate and show compassion towards one another, and to work together to build a new Syria that is free from tyranny and crime. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)