President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Nasr Al-Hariri, stressed the need to activate all institutions and ministries of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) and to consolidate its role in servicing Syrian citizens in all areas that can be accessed during these critical times.
Nasr Al-Hariri made these remarks at SIG’s periodic meeting headed by Abdurrahman Mustafa. He said: “It is everyone’s duty to cooperate with SIG in order to succeed in its tasks of providing the best services to the Syrian people in the liberated areas.”
Al-Hariri said that the SOC is intensifying communications with the major actors and friendly states to urge increased, sustainable humanitarian support to the Syrian people through SOC’s and its arms.
Participants in the meeting discussed the repercussions of the coronavirus crisis in northwestern Syria and the regime-held areas in addition to the readiness of hospitals to receive critical cases. Al-Hariri stressed the importance of stepping up efforts to raise awareness of the disease in all Syrian territories.
SIG also discussed the situation east of the Euphrates, especially in the areas under the control of the PYD militia and the extent of popular anger resulting from the PYD’s repressive policies. It stressed the need to convey the voice of civilians in this part of Syria to the international actors supporting this organization. It also stressed the need for holding accountable those responsible for crimes and violations.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)