The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) political committee held its regular meeting to discuss the latest field and political developments in Syria. In attendance were also SOC’s President Salem Al-Meslet, vice-presidents and the secretary-general,
Participants discussed an overview of the weekly regional and international developments and their impact on the situation in Syria.
Al-Meslet and his deputies briefed the committee on the meetings and communications they had made during the past week with the foreign missions and diplomats of friendly and sisterly states.
The committee for following up the Interpol’s decision to readmit the Assad regime submitted a report on its work before the political committee, highlighting the meetings and communications it did to ensure the reversal of the decision.
The SOC’s Office of Civil Society Organizations gave an overview on its work, while the committee discussed the major problems that have recently emerged in the liberated areas, especially the printing of school textbooks.
Participants put forth a set of proposals and recommendations for developing the SOC’s work at the internal level of the institution, preparations for the upcoming stage, and facing the potential political challenges.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)