The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) political committee held its periodic meeting headed by President Nasr Al-Hariri and discussed the latest developments in Syria, including the results of the fourth round of talks by the Constitutional Committee.
Al-Hariri talked about the meeting with the US special envoy to Syria, Joel Rayburn, as he pointed to consensus between the SOC and Washington on many issues, especially the political process and the Caesar Act.
Al-Hariri also talked about developments in the political process as he stressed the need for the United Nations to open the rest of the baskets laid out in UN Resolution 2254. He also stressed that any solution in Syria must be based on forming a Transitional Governing Body (TGB) and creating a safe and neutral environment for drafting a new constitution and holding elections. He reiterated the SOC’s rejection of any possibility for Bashar Al-Assad’s to run for elections.
Co-chair of the Constitutional Committee, Hadi Al-Bahra, gave an overview on the course of the fourth round of talks by the Constitutional Committee. He talked about the remarks made by member of the political committee, Haitham Rahma, after which the Assad regime delegation walked out of the meeting but returned later under pressure from the United Nations.
Al-Bahra pointed out that the delegations participating in the Constitutional Committee meetings agreed to hold the fifth round if talks on January 25 and to engage in direct discussion of the constitution. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)