The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) political committee convened a periodic meeting under the chairmanship of President Nasr Al-Hariri and discussed the latest on the ground and political developments.
The discussions focused on the security situation in the liberated areas and the need to protect those areas from terrorist attacks. They also discussed the recent measures taken by the Syrian Interim Government to confront these attacks.
The committee reviewed a detailed report by by SIG’s Minister of Defense, Major General Salim Idris, on military situation. Idris highlighted the efforts being made by the Syrian National Army to confront the attacks of the Assad regime and its backers, the PYD militia, and the PKK terrorist organization.
SOC’s Vice-president Abdul Hakim Bashar talked about the latest developments in the intra-Kurdish dialogue and the PYD militia’s burning of the offices of the Kurdish National Council and the arrest of teachers who expressed their rejection of the curricula imposed by the PYD militia on schools in the region.
Member of the political committee, Yasser Al-Farhan, gave an overview on the letters that the SOC sent to the United States on the PYD militia’s arrest and forcible disappearance of media activists.
Vice-president Ruba Habboush talked about the latest developments in the Turkish scholarship in partnership with YTP, stressing that these scholarships will provide an opportunity for Syrian students to complete their studies in Turkish universities. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)