Mohammad Khair Al-Wazir, member of the Syrian Coalition, blames the Assad regime and ISIS for the blast that took place in Douma today. “ISIS and the Assad regime are two sides of the same coin and are working in the same way by activating their sleeper cells to infiltrate the liberated areas and carry out terror bombings against civilians. Al-Wazir pointed out that ISIS’s had previously carried out similar bombings in the rebel-held in areas to create confusion and sown division between civilians and rebels. Today’s blast targeted Al Yaman Hospital Aleman which has received a lot of rebel casualties since the beginning of the revolution, killing 11 civilians, including women and children, and causing massive material damage.” Al Wazir calls on the international community to support the rebel battalions that declared war on ISIS and put pressure on the Assad regime to lift the siege imposed on the rebel-held areas. “Had the rebels access to surveillance equipment and electricity, they would have reduced the blasts perpetrated by the Assad regime and ISIS. The siege has also caused severe shortage of live-saving supplies.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)