The Syrian Coalition stresses that “the Syrian Revolution will push on until achieving victory and expelling all criminal militias fighting alongside the Assad regime. The sham elections held by the Assad regime, which Nasrallah described as an expression of the will of the Syrian people, are a parody of democracy and were held under the auspices of hundreds of army checkpoints heavily deployed to bully the civilians into voting for Assad. Neither Bashar al-Assad nor his father Hafez al-Assad before has the slightest legitimacy to rule as they seized power through a military coup which ushered in decades of dictatorship and repression and committed massacres that claimed the lives of thousands of civilians.” Furthermore, the Syrian Coalition calls on the international community to take the necessary measures to force the Assad regime to abide by the international conventions that form the basis for a political solution in Syria, most notably the Geneva I communique which calls for the formation of transitional governing body as a step towards building a genuine and democratic climate for the Syrian people to express their aspirations for freedom and just governance.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)