Louay Safi, spokesman for the Syrian Coalition, said that pushing forward for a political solution must be coupled with serious and strong steps by the countries that are supporting the revolution. “There is now hardly any chance for reaching a political solution as long as Assad’s allies are still supporting him with new weapons. This unprecedented silence towards the military support Assad is receiving from his allies, while denying the Syrian people the weapons to defend themselves for fear of falling into the wrong hands of, is unacceptable. The Syrian Coalition has repeatedly expressed its readiness to ensure the delivery of weapons to the hands committed to achieving the goals of the revolution. It has become clear that diplomatic steps if not coupled with practical and tangible steps will not have any meaning or effect.” Safi concluded his remarks stressing that “we firmly believe that a political solution is the only way to restore stability to Syria. However, this solution will materialize only when the international community take real steps to stop the arms flow arms flow to the Assad regime and when his allies stops sending the sectarian militias to back regime forces in their attempts to suppress the aspirations of the Syrian people. (Source: Syrian Coalition)