President of the Syrian Coalition Anas Alabdah called on all the Syrian people to firmly commit to building a state based on justice; a state within which the rights of all individuals and groups are ensured and safeguarded.
Alabdah was speaking at a panel discussion organized by the Syrian Coalition and the Kurdish National Council in Istanbul on Saturday on the occasion of the first anniversary of the massacre of Ayn Alarab (Kobani).
“The pursuit of freedom should continue to unify our efforts against tyranny, injustice and oppression,” Alabdah stressed. He pointed out that the roots of violence in Syria date back to1970 when Albaath party seized power in Syria after a military coup. Alabdah emphasized the importance of activating the document of understanding signed by the Kurdish National Council and the Syrian Coalition.
President of the Kurdish National Council Ibrahim Berro said that the anniversary of Ayn Alarab (Kobani) massacre should not go unheeded, calling on the Democratic Union Party (PYD) to disclose the circumstances of the incident.
Berro stressed the need to work with the town’s residents and local and international human rights organizations to uncover the circumstances of the massacre and those involved in it.
Berro called for the circumstances of the massacre to be revealed to the general public so that innocent people in other parts of Syria do not fall victims to hired killers who stand behind this tragic incident. (Source: Syrian Coalition)