Barakat: Syrians’ Joy Fulfilled with the Liberation of Deir Ezzor
The Vice President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Abdel Majid Barakat, congratulated all the residents of Deir Ezzor province ...
The Vice President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Abdel Majid Barakat, congratulated all the residents of Deir Ezzor province ...
The PYD terrorist militia has imposed transit fees on civilians in the Deir Ezzor countryside and placed certain towns under ...
During the latest regular meeting of the Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) political committee, Abdulbasit Abdullatif, the Coordinator of the Al-Jazeera ...
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) held a virtual consultative meeting with national, political and civil figures from Deir Ezzor province ...
The PYD militia insists on pursuing criminal policies towards our people in the region east of the Euphrates River, namely ...
The latest developments in rural Deir Ezzor begun to assume a very grave nature that we have already warned of ...
The Syrian Center for Journalistic Freedoms of the Association of Syrian Journalists said that it had recorded no fewer than ...
Reports from rural Deir Ezzor countryside indicate that the PYD militia and their affiliated groups have launched a crackdown to ...
The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) Al-Jazeera and Euphrates Committee held a workshop on the educational curricula imposed by the PYD ...
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) reminded the international community of the horrific massacre committed by the Assad regime forces and ...
Preserving independence and national sovereignty and maintaining the Syrian people's unity within the same Syrian soil is one of the critical pillars of the Syrian Coalition. The Coalition aims to overthrow the Assad regime along with all its symbols and pillars. It also aims to dismantle its security apparatus and hold accountable those involved in crimes against Syrians. In addition, it seeks to achieve a transition to a pluralistic, democratic and civil Syria.